We love to party! We get excited when we’re able to bring people and communities together – and that’s what our Main Street Events are all about. Our events are broken out into two types: events that we produce and events that we are sponsors-only of.

Our produced events are events that are our brain child and we are involved in creating from A to Z. We only produce a handful of these types events per year, such as the Millerton Food Festival. Our produced events are ones that we created the concept and were involved in every step to “put on” the event. This includes concept, logistics, visuals (words and pictures), as well as the whole marketing machine to promote the event.

The Main Street sponsored-only events are events that we help promote and market. These types of events are ones that another business or organization has put together and they collaborate with us (for a fee) to help them promote the event by us being involved, tacking on our name and clout, in addition to helping promote the event through PR and marketing.

To learn more about our events, please feel free to click on the respective links above in the drop-down menu or just above to the right. If you are interested in working with us and having us help to promote your event, please feel free to email or call us to learn more about what we offer and our fees.


  • +1 (518) 592 1135

  • info@mainstreetmedia.press

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